The Royal Fartorium

This specially constructed chamber is where the King releases his most prized farts. They echo in this magic hall forever. Strangely, there is the aroma of frankincense in the air.

There has been some question as to the origin of the sounds here. I assure you I would not waste my loyal subjects' time with some sort of fake farts. Every one of these sounds are certified real Royal Farts.
Kind of scary, isn't it?

Participate in the contest below!

Jet Driver's newest Releases!

Jet Driver Fart #1 -Packing Tape - Current duration champ! XXX

Jet Driver Fart #2 - Waking up the Coffee Grinder -

HRM's Golden Oldies

Royal Fart #1 - The angry kitten

Royal Fart #2 - Static

Royal Fart #3 - Star spangled

Royal Fart #4 - The Fly - Current duration champ! XXX

Royal Fart #5 - The Full Octave

Royal Fart #6 - The Royal Flutterblast

Royal Fart #7 - The Scary Door

Royal Fart #8 - Ooohh, I want you!

Royal Fart #9 - The Grinder

Royal Fart #10 - The Mad Ant

Royal Fart #11 - Baby Godzilla

Royal Fart #12 - Chainsaw

Royal Fart #13 - Tuba

Royal Fart #14 - Giant step

We have a winner! 

The Royal Fart once Know as "Nameless 1" has been renamed by one of my loyal subjects. It will be from this point forward called  KNICKER RIPPER. All of the names were very funny. Read the entries here! Thanks for participating. Try the next one below!

Royal Fart #15 - Knicker Ripper

Play the new Royal Game that is real Hootin...

Name that Tootin!


Listen to this Fart -- Nameless 2--- Then  Submit your Suggestion below

Not so easy, is it?

How about some smores!

If you came to this page, but have never been to the index, use these links to see more Crazy Shit!

More Crazy ShitOld No Frames Version 

 More Crazy Shit - Frames                       


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Consumer Rip-off Toilet Paper

This is funny! (I think)

Talk about butt wipes!!
